Sunday, May 1, 2011

Wiring Diagram Subwoofer Cable

Labor traveling

I do not know if you know a Carmen , I do tiempor that not only I have in my favorites and regulars ... but also appreciate her a lot ...

last year organized a very cool cumpliblog ... and this year ... has far exceeded ... Traveling Labor organizes

(I copied the text of his blog), the commentary to participate and it ought to send mail it's NOT ME.

Labor What is Traveling?

It's like a chain in which all add our two cents, I buy the fabric in which all must weave a square of 15 x 15 cm., The design is totally free, you can embroider some of our country, our favorite animal, our most beautiful flower, text, etc ... whatever you like for each, all that is required is to put our name in the box to know who has made everyone. The technic is also free, cross stitch, ribbon, crochet, patch, which each one you like as long as you do not leave your little picture.

I'll start this chain in September, coinciding with the birthday of the blog, embroidering the first box, and putting my name on it and send it to the next on the list. Each person will have a month to get the work at home, so must embroider the box in three weeks and the fourth, coinciding with the last week of the month, send it to the next on the list and so on.

Obligations sign this contract on the Labor list of travelers is to respect the time so we can all enjoy it, and that once completed the box sent two photos to my email, a little picture of made and a work in general (so that I can publish and everyone can see how our great work), along with the photos you will have to send a short text explaining what you put in the box and why that and nothing else. Having made the photos you can package your work and add a detail to send to next on the list, and sets a detail I have said nothing of many gifts just a thimble, or a few buttons, or a work made by us, etc. ..
In this way the person receiving the material will also receive a gift. At the end of the chain the last person will send me to my work and do a lot with each other to see who it is.

not required to take the logo of the work traveler to your blogs as you like.

And do not worry about knowing who you will have to send the work and the little details because I will notify you of the person who touches you after you have closed the registration process.


opens registration period from the moment it is published this entry 13:00 English time on 30 June inclusive. To participate you only need to contact on this blog with a comment saying that you want to participate and send an e-mail to with your full name and mailing address.


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