Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Stylist Birthday Cake

Pumpkin Cake

Yes, pumpkin, cookies can make thousands of things ... and it seems .. that only exists in the yogurt, the lemon and the chocolate ... nooooooooooo it has many variants ... and I'm going to be showing ...

For our pumpkin cake (about 6 large servings or 8 smaller XD) we need:

- 4 medium eggs (about the size if it is important, keep in mind that the pastry is like the chemistry ... amounts are accurate) if poultry ... the better ... not only the color that will give the cake ... but also by taste
-250 gr. -250
white sugar gr. butter (when I say butter is butter, or margarine or oil)
-250 gr.
-300 g flour. pumpkin puree

-1 pinch of salt - 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon

- A bit of butter and a little flour to the pan


- large bowl
- Blender mixer rod (going to see why)
- blender vase
- rectangular mold
- Oven (obvio. ..)


one hand separate the whites from the yolks (make me case, large) the we leave out the yolks and whites in refrigerator

In a large bowl, whip the butter at room temperature (squishy) and the sugar until the mixture is white,

When we add the yolk, still riding, another yolk and continue riding, so to have the 4

I put the picture as it should be in color and texture

Beat the egg whites, the more chilly ride better (no need to put them in the freezer, I see some eh?) they take a pinch of salt ... Look what little bulge

and ride with good camaraderie rods y secas (como no las sequemos bien y caiga algo de agua... no montan. Sabremos cuando estan bien montadas cuando hagais esto.. y no se caigan del vaso, ese es el punto

Con unas varillas manuales nos ayudamos a incorporar las claras montadas a la mezcla anterior, las mezclamos con un movimiento circular de muñeca para que no se bajen ni la mezcla de los huevos ni la de las claras

Asi es como debe quedar la masa al final...

Ya solo queda añadir el pure de calabaza que lo habremos hecho antes cortando la calabaza into small pieces, boiling them in water, leaving them cool, dripping water and making a pure (no water because it must take the cake encharcaria)

Once incorporated only remains to add the flour mixed with cinnamon

and we list our mass

volume has acquired for itself without the aid of yeast no ... only the air that has been picking through electric rods

smeared with a little butter mold, cast and remove the excess flour .. and introduce mass inside ...

so in the preheated oven about 30 minutes at 200 º, this is the way it looks .... however tempting it is to try it ... wait for it to cool before turning out


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