Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Mistydawn Mount & Blade

A Marisol met her a little over a year Patchwork classes, besides being a very sweet girl and goes beautifully stitched and over gives me a prize!

The rules are:

Post the award on your blog
Link the blog to get it delivered
Name 10 things that make you happy:

1 - My husband
2 - My son
3 - Not having to get up early
4 - Sew
5 - Learn
6 - Cooking
7 - gossiping with friends
8 - A glass of horchata on a hot afternoon
9 - Creating stuff
10 - Dreaming 10

Choose blog to reward (I chose the last 10 who commented on my blog, because the comments of people ... is one of the things that inspire, or at least to me)

1 - Iris
2 - Anabella
3 - Ivy
4 - Markirhen
5 - Maria
6 - Edelwais
7 - Maria Eugenia
8 - Mayte
9 - Arantxa
10 - Maxi


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