Monday, May 23, 2011

Please Remove Before Flightdior

Mami dressed alike??

Behold, I have been cool T-shirts, just for Mom and child here I leave the fotillos and find in my shop.


Sunday, May 22, 2011

Male Therapist Erection

Felt Bag Sampler

Mollie is in the street a few days ago ... for some reason or another ... I had not gotten my copy yet ... and the truth .. was worth pursuing ...

is fresh, new, with many ideas but modern ... Crafts are not talking about the classic ... There are all ... felt, patchwork, ribbons, crochet ...

To show the cover of the block you see on the cover ... how cute! but-neck collar blouse Moorbie Charly ... are the absolute best ...

gift came a kit to make a bag for movil/mp3 .. or whatever you want to use ... Kit I've only used the gray felt ... the rest ... both design and material ... invention of Monica ... and I love the result!

I'm looking forward to the day June 9 to get the number 2

Buy Therese Avila Costume

a new family member

We have a new addition to the family called the moon a beautiful white bunny who is very good when you can put a fotillo. Besotes

Watching Nfl Games In Dubai, Uae

Dear Jane

has already commenced the SAL Dear Jane do with the help of Arantxa ... this is my first set ... I'm trying to make fabrics look like at least in tone to the original .... D13 is the block

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Letter Of Intent For Grad School Template


The Favoloquis .. are somewhat loquis ... hehehehe and we have come to make a sampler of our fantastic shows tutored by Carol ... and the first block is this ... Jardin de la Abuela ... the background fabric is from Robert Kaufman and the hexagons ... part of the collection Fabrics Fashion Bar Harbor

I'm ready for the next!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Reasons For Gallbladder Removal Polyps

printing Cajon

It's only 93 square ..

is made with linen blue on the bottom and four heart-shaped buttons

Just only 93 squares ...

It's made with blue linen fabric in the back and 4 heart buttons

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Stylist Birthday Cake

Pumpkin Cake

Yes, pumpkin, cookies can make thousands of things ... and it seems .. that only exists in the yogurt, the lemon and the chocolate ... nooooooooooo it has many variants ... and I'm going to be showing ...

For our pumpkin cake (about 6 large servings or 8 smaller XD) we need:

- 4 medium eggs (about the size if it is important, keep in mind that the pastry is like the chemistry ... amounts are accurate) if poultry ... the better ... not only the color that will give the cake ... but also by taste
-250 gr. -250
white sugar gr. butter (when I say butter is butter, or margarine or oil)
-250 gr.
-300 g flour. pumpkin puree

-1 pinch of salt - 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon

- A bit of butter and a little flour to the pan


- large bowl
- Blender mixer rod (going to see why)
- blender vase
- rectangular mold
- Oven (obvio. ..)


one hand separate the whites from the yolks (make me case, large) the we leave out the yolks and whites in refrigerator

In a large bowl, whip the butter at room temperature (squishy) and the sugar until the mixture is white,

When we add the yolk, still riding, another yolk and continue riding, so to have the 4

I put the picture as it should be in color and texture

Beat the egg whites, the more chilly ride better (no need to put them in the freezer, I see some eh?) they take a pinch of salt ... Look what little bulge

and ride with good camaraderie rods y secas (como no las sequemos bien y caiga algo de agua... no montan. Sabremos cuando estan bien montadas cuando hagais esto.. y no se caigan del vaso, ese es el punto

Con unas varillas manuales nos ayudamos a incorporar las claras montadas a la mezcla anterior, las mezclamos con un movimiento circular de muñeca para que no se bajen ni la mezcla de los huevos ni la de las claras

Asi es como debe quedar la masa al final...

Ya solo queda añadir el pure de calabaza que lo habremos hecho antes cortando la calabaza into small pieces, boiling them in water, leaving them cool, dripping water and making a pure (no water because it must take the cake encharcaria)

Once incorporated only remains to add the flour mixed with cinnamon

and we list our mass

volume has acquired for itself without the aid of yeast no ... only the air that has been picking through electric rods

smeared with a little butter mold, cast and remove the excess flour .. and introduce mass inside ...

so in the preheated oven about 30 minutes at 200 º, this is the way it looks .... however tempting it is to try it ... wait for it to cool before turning out

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Mount&blade Warband Kod Seryjny

My Gemmita is to draw and all because one of his children (his blog) turns 3 years old ... Are you going to let pass?

Internships At Island Def Jam

Friends Family Groups Draw Sweepstakes

Those that know me a little further know that until recently was on Thursday the "Crafts Croydon Family Group "and I say until recently because the" famous crisis "took a vote among people who live here because the town had to make cuts and gave" the people "a choice and say ... the great groups were affected ... Hall and libraries (here closed 6 of 13), seeing us in the street "Cathy began to move and told us not to worry ... that the group would follow it belongs ... the Quaker meeting house (yes. .. of the quaker quaker ... which we only know as we like embroidery, most), last Thursday was the first meeting there and I must say ... I'm surprised ....

have offered us use a room, in this case the library, so we can get together and make our crafts, children are up to the monitors, we can use the kitchen (oven, fires ...) ... and all for free and without asking anything in return (or eat the coconut with stories), on the contrary ... the other day came to welcome us and tell us everything we need ... I think and ... I am convinced that this would not happen in Spain ...

A curious ... the library is a picture ... of people looking fabrics ... Is it fate?

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Milena Velba Free Forum

Marisol is organizing a raffle of cloths .... cute ....

Small Kid Tuching Boobs

Rosace threads.

EDIT: The picture does not look good, but if you click on it ... nitida nitida is not that ... Internet things

Do you remember the post I put my mind commenting on threads Rosace? It seems that the distributor of the brand in Spain, Aurelio Salvatierra, did not like ... what a shame ... I is not no dance on water ... only he deserves ... and my Rosace ... does not deserve ... I have answered

one of the blogs where I put my opinion and my answer, Aurelio, is as follows:

In no web site says it is Zweigart, but Aida 14.

At no time did I say that the fabric should be Zweigart, only comment as the fabric is included in the kit.

clearly says shipping outside Spain or nationality.

I put in the picture (screenshot of his website) clearly indicates nationality of the buyer, not ship outside of Spain.

says 3 needles for every 50 tickets and the numbers clearly. Indeed

indicates 3 needles for every 50 cards, but do not put the numbers of needles (you can see in the screenshot), still does not explain why sending needles that do not correspond to the size of Aida

Your graphic
Hanks was 80 so the needle exceed 5 percent.

not exceeded, is it fair if you mean ... 16.3 skeins each corresponds to a needle, therefore, sending 80 skeins are 5 needles

clearly says a tangle of color and what you received.

The announcement does not indicate that one of every color, indicates that receive 80 skeins (without indicating length), the whole kit should contain sufficient and necessary wires to carry the graphic, but no kit is considered only a chart with part of the threads that will be used

You must read well the listing before COMOPRE and more after a phone call to clarify things.

The announcement is requeteleido and so I think what I think, and when I call I asked him what nationality and said he was not nationality, but instead of sending ... hence continue feeling that has taken me 4 euros

bands kit and consider that your business can be affected by this, but there are ways to try to wet your product instead of going disqualifying. You should also make clear that you are selling a kit expensive death. Indeed

'm selling, I have never denied that, in fact criticizes the marks I made on blogs that are my property or where people participate and know what I do, I think in this case is you who misunderstands when he says that sell kits, tell me where and at what price as they know, if you have seen and read though my website will have noticed that not a single cross-stitch kit for sale, or cariiisisimo death, or thrown away price.

I know of one ... that will not win any prizes by critics and performed countercriticism ... While I care ... and by the way .... wires ... also twist ... as other brands that did not want to say anything?

By the way ... I find my opinion on his web ... maybe just put the good?

Ahi is ...

Thursday, May 12, 2011

How To Do A Chinese Bang With My Natural Hair

Part Two Classes

It's only 94 squares ...

The second I have filled with blue linen fabric in the background and the lace in shades of cream

Just only 94 squares ...

The second has-been filled with blue linen fabric in the back and cream bobbin lace


Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Strong Gay Headscissor

printing Cajon


in Madrid, Saturday 11 June at 17.00. For more information or to reserve a place only you have to send an email to

classes to meet your needs: simple cross stitch, special points, ... you choose the designs you there from the simplest ... more complicated ... depending on your level that you still keep ...

I hope!

1987 Ski Doo Safari Specs

Garden Beehive

As promised ... best picture with light ... framed ... and done!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Sick Dog Smacking Lips

Kindness Dear Jane

It's only a few days to start ... and I have picked some fabrics, I need to give them a water ... and ironing

Do you guys like you do?

Monday, May 9, 2011

Pokemon Season Subtitles

Thanks to the Facebook page Cross Stitcher Magazine, I met Tracey, an Australian girl, showing photos one day I asked how did the biscornus and that he loved but did not know them, you I made a tutorial and sent it in gratitude and I found myself in the mailbox from home ... a pattern that was trying to locate, Hug Emily Peacock ... is amazing what the world of cross stitch can move

Thanks to the Facebook page of Cross Stitcher Magazine, I met Tracey, an Australian girl, Showing photos one day I did the biscornus Asked how she likes cause Them But Did not Know Them how to stitch, I made a tutorial and sat it, as in in my mailbox Appreciation ... Were a pattern That I Was Trying to locate, Hug's Emily Peacock ... What is amazing the world of cross stitch dog move

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Adult Transformers Footies

Michael Powell - Mini Houselight 1 to 3

This is taking shape at times ... pushing a couple of more ... or 3 or 4 ... and you're ready!

This is Taking Shape at times ... a couple of more stitches ... or 3 or 4 ... and It'll Be Ready!

Friday, May 6, 2011

Wher To Get A Pokemon Blanket

printing Cajon

Now, just 95 squares to fill ... the first is ready ... I've done using blue linen as a backdrop, a pin ceramic heart-shaped and the tail of the flower that bears drawn is a strip of East of India, namely the model thin stitch ribbon - light blue, hope you like

There Are Only 95 squares to fill ... the first is ready ... I've done using blue linen as a backdrop, a ceramic heart-shaped pin and the tail of the flower That is drawn is a strip of East of India, the model thin stitch ribbon - light blue, I hope you enjoy it