Saturday, February 19, 2011

Nipple Piercing Painful Vids




4 eggs - 110 gr.

sugar - 100 gr.
pastry flour
- 750 gr.

whole milk - 250 gr. of whipping cream, 35%

mg - 300 gr.

liquid candy - 3 sachets of curd

- 130 gr. shelled walnuts and chopped (reserve some whole for garnish)

- To decorate: coverage of candy (optional)


Preheat oven to 180 º.

We place the butterfly in the blades, laying the eggs and sugar. Programs 6 minutes, temperature of 37 ° and speed 3.5. Over this time we return to program 6 minutes at speed. 3-5 without temperature.
Add the flour and schedule 6 seconds, a speed 3. If you have not mixed well, we finished it with a spatula, by outflanking.

In an oven tray 30 x 40 cm., Put baking paper and pour the mixture on top. Bake for 10-12 minutes at 180 º. Remove from oven and let cool. While

wash and dried the cup.

Pour the milk, cream, candy and envelopes of curd. Mix for 15 seconds at speed 7.

then schedule 14 minutes, temperature 90 degrees and speed 3.

base Grease a 25 cm springform pan. in diameter, with a little butter. Cut a 1 cm disk of cake. larger than the mold base.

cake We put the disk on the base of the mold and pour the contents of the glass on it, carefully and slowly.

distribute the chopped nuts on top and let cool. We put in the fridge and let it sets a minimum of 4 hours (better if we make a day for another).

Before serving, garnish with some whole nuts and a little coverage of candy (optional).

I've jumped over cake because I used a purchased basis, but in any case the Genoese sponge cake is very easy to do. Recipe



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