Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Legal To Paint License

I present my new project bag

Dear friends, as I will have seen more than 1 month without posting anything. Of time due to a big change that has happened in my life, I have taken time to the blog and I'll keep a little away from him, until the encouragement allowed me to resume again.

I want to thank the interest you have taken some of you being interested in me.

I thank you for being by my side and I ask a little patience, because I hope that very soon you may return to be with you all.

I tell you that a few months ago my dear friend Marta and I talk about a common project, we wanted to create a blog-shop where our friends, to see and purchase some of our creations.

Due to my absence, have been postponed at the time but I think now is the time to implement it.

So today I present this new project four-leaf clover , hope you like what we do and accompany us with your visit.

Welcome to our little corner!

This blog-shop is designed to put at your disposal our creations, as well as to make them accessible to all people outside the world of work so often ask us how, and how we can make a request of the things we do. So we created this catalog where they can see everything we do.

This is a small step forward because we will be putting updates and new projects.

And the best way to celebrate this opening is making a lot. We have prepared a batch consisting of a charm pack of the collection "Whimsy" Fashion Fabrics, scissors, such that many of us collect, and buttons made of wood so completely handmade.

We've set no requirement, but we wish it pusierais on the side of your blog so that your blogger friends know us too well and if you become followers will be delighted to welcome you and then you can also get to know a day developments go putting.

"Mucha suerte a todas y esperamos que nos sigáis visitando"


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